Solid data-based and market oriented

StatPlan market reports encompass the generation and consumption of power, the power supply infrastructure and the many products, technologies services which support it. StatPlan has been researching the energy and utility industries and markets for over twenty years and brings this extensive experience to its reports. Our market reports are based on solid evidence based data, years of experience in the industries and markets together with up-to-date market knowledge. Installed bases mostly rise with linear trends, but demand does not, it fluctuates in cycles up and down depending on current demand and past installations. Forecasts of long term trends are based on new installations and replacements of equipment at the end of its service life and are plotted from the StatPlan databases. These databases start from the earliest days of the electrical industry and cover every country, enabling us to plot the demand cycles of products with long lifetimes. We can match these to production, imports and exports. Short-term sales forecasts do not always conform to the long term demand cycles and the long term trends are modified in the light of recent market conditions.

StatPlan has created a range of market reports, analytical databases and forecasts with a wide range of interlocking topics in the energy sector. These start with basic metrics such as electrification and gasification, generation by fuel, transformer capacity, circuit kilometres of transmission and distribution lines. We have plotted trends and created long-term forecasts of multiple products and services. These form an interlocking web of information in which different products and market segments correlate and validate each other. We track the main companies in the market for market growth and competitive analysis and consult with industry to keep abreast of market trends. Our reports are used by many of the leading companies and businesses in the sector.

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