Utility Analysis of Distribution Transformers Ed 2 2021

From £1,200.00

Database to segment the world electricity utility market
7,188 electricity distribution utilities listed
151.3 million utility and industry distribution transformers
118.9 million utility-owned distribution transformers

A resource to target utility-owned distribution transformer markets


The purpose of this database report is to enable analysis of the 118.9 million distribution transformers owned by utilities, 79.8% of the global DT population. Analysis –

  • by country
  • by DSO
  • by size of customer base
  • by number of distribution transformers and total MVA capacity

This database is designed as a practical resource for marketers of transformers to segment and tar-get their markets.
The Utility Analysis provides data about the utilities, their customer base and transformer population. 899 electricity transmission utilities and 7,188 distribution utilities are listed by country (207 of them) and analysed by size. Globally, there are 38 electricity distribution utilities with more than 10 million customers, 41 with 5-10 million, 237 with 1-5 million and 6,862 with under 1 million.
These utilities own 118.9 million distribution transformers, and the numbers per utility range from 10s to millions. This database will enable you target your market efficiently, whether high investment or small scale. Reduce costs by zeroing straight in on the utilities which purchase your products and services.

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